Compare And Contrast Islam And Christian Religion

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Whether the beliefs consisted one God or many, religion was a huge aspect of many cultures everyday life. Religion seemed to be held on a higher pedestal back in the early days of religion, however the fact that many of these religions are still present in today’s history is amazing. Many of these religions actually have a good amount of similarities. Ones they each adopted and changed to better fit their beliefs. Between Egyptian beliefs, Buddhism, Islamic, and Christianity religion was a key aspect in living their everyday lives. The Egyptians were very successful at just about everything they came across. As far as clothing, temples, social classes, and religion. The Egyptian religious beliefs tend to differ from many of the other religions. Since the beliefs are so different, it makes it much more interesting. They were affiliated with many deities, which made it a …show more content…

A Muslim does not have any relation to an Arab, yet people do confuse the two. Muhammad is the messenger of Allah. Allah is not the God for Muslims; he is the creator of all creatures including mankind. Islam means to surrender freely to the Commandments and will of their God. This compliance comes from within, from belief in and conviction to Allah. It should also come from love, trust, and affection. Muhammad meditated in a cave on Mount Hira, when he had a revelation. He believed that he was called by God to be a teacher of new faith. Muhammad wrote the Koran, and it is what the people lived by. The scriptures are based on how to avoid punishment from Allah. It emphasizes if you follow the right path, Allah will reward you in the end. The 5 pillars of Islam are the basic fundamentals of Muhammad’s teachings. The 5 Pillars consist of; Shahadah, Salat, Zakat, Sawm, and Hajj. The Salat is the most exaggerated, where prayer is done five times a day. The 5 pillars are taken very seriously every day. Islam is one of the most popular religions to this

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