Compare And Contrast Healthcare And Us Healthcare System

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Which healthcare system is better between the United States (US) and United Kingdom (UK) is a very controversial topic in the world. There are many people siding with the US healthcare system yet there also many people siding with the UK healthcare system. There are many reasons behind the people., but I believe the US healthcare system is better.
The two healthcare systems are different for a few reasons. The main difference between the two healthcare systems is the fact that the UK offers a socialized healthcare system whereas the US offers an almost fully-private system. Also the UK system is free. Every British citizen has access to health care, paid through taxation. Another difference is that the US is mostly private which means it costs …show more content…

Some are different than the other. For example, the US scarce resources in the healthcare system is prescription drugs, due to the costs of them. Some prescription drugs can be very expensive which makes them so scarce. If your insurance cannot cover it and have to pay out of pocket it could be very hard to get because some are overly priced. For the UK their scarce resources are the development of new technology, new treatments, and new drugs increases the NHS’s ability to supply, but at the same time encourages demand to such an extent that demand substantially exceeds supply. This creates long waiting lists and shortages of hospital beds. A privatised NHS would allow prices to rise to reflect the true cost of supply. This would, of course, violate the principle of free and universal treatment. However, rising costs have forced a re-think funding. The US healthcare system has different allocates to their resources than the UK healthcare system.
For the UK the government allocates their resources. They are heavily involved in their nation's healthcare system. As for the US, private companies in a free market system allocate their resources. The healthcare system in the UK is command based because it is run by the government. As for the US the healthcare system is market based because it is not run by the

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