Compare And Contrast Feudal And Feudal System

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Do you always feel like you have to answer to someone above you? Do you ever wonder why you feel like you are not in control of your own life? Perhaps this feeling comes because, just like medieval times, life runs within a feudal system, especially in schools. High schools mirror feudal society in their hierarchy and layout, while their values are vastly different. High schools mirror feudal society in their hierarchy. In the feudal system, God, the pope, kings, lords, knights, and serfs all hold more power than the group after them. Within a high school, the school board, superintendent, principal, counselors, teachers, and students all stand within a hierarchy. Just as the pope was a representative of God, the superintendent also represents the school board, passing on rules and relaying requests back to the school board. If the high school campus is a kingdom, then the principal is the king, giving responsibilities to the counselors and answering only to the …show more content…

Within a kingdom, there is the village church, blacksmith shop, battlegrounds, palisade, bailey, keep, etc. While places within high schools may be structured differently, they ultimately play the same role as places inside a kingdom. The village church, for example, serves the same purpose as the counselors’ offices because students go there when they are having a problem or need something fixed, just as serfs would go to the village church. Also, the battlegrounds reflect the track and football field, where battles are fought and territories are marked. In addition, high schools have protection from fences, security guards, and main offices that take precautions when allowing anyone into the schools. Kingdoms have a palisade, night guards, and a drawbridge, serving the same purpose in different ways. Those are just a few examples of how high schools and kingdoms correlate within their

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