Compare And Contrast Essay On Avatar

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In the movie Avatar, The Na’vi world Pandoran world and our planet Earth are remarkably similar. Both worlds are abused by man, for the sole purpose of betterment for human existence. The world Pandoran share many similarities with that of Earth, both worlds have a large array of many different organisms from both the plantae and the animilia kingdoms. Many of the plants look similar to those of earth. The animals on Pandoran, resemble those of earth they have birds and huge mammals. The best way to describe Pandoran is to compare it to the earth millions of years ago where dinosaurs and many other huge mammals roamed and ruled the earth. The major difference between todays man and the Na’vi is the treatment of their world, the Na’vi treat their world with high respect not wanting to kill anything that they do not need for immediate survival. Todays man is focused on expanding and becoming more and more civilized. 2 …show more content…

When we were far less advanced we were like the Na’vi having more reliance on the animals and the plants instead of the natural resources like oil and natural gas. The consumption of natural resources is not necessarily using the resources for survival. The productive use is using the resources for our survival as a society. The consumption of resources sometimes wastes resources on things that are not needed for our society to function. I believe that for a productive use of resources it has to be essential to the function of society. I believe the movie depicts pretty accurately the way these individuals see towards the resources. The military will fight anyone that has these, the scientist want to protect these. In justice there will be a fair trial and with equality there will be equal so everyone will receive a trial. In equality everyone will have the same trial but it might not be a fair trial where as in justice There will be a fair

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