Compare And Contrast Egyptian Pharaohs

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For thousands of years, Ancient Egypt was the superior civilization in the Mediterranean world. There were many changes that occurred throughout the years with one stable ruler, the pharaoh. The first true pharaoh was Narmer who united Lower and Upper Egypt in the beginning of the Old Kingdom. Many years later Amenhotep III comes into rule. More than 30 years after Akhenaten and Tutankhamun take the throne. Amenhotep III, Akhenaten, and Tutankhamun were all Egyptian pharaohs that all have characteristics that make them and their time of rule unique and memorable. In 1390 BCE Amenhotep III took the throne at the age of 12. Amenhotep means the god Amen is satisfied. His rule marked the beginning of peace. Being a peacekeeper, he wanted to avoid war at all costs. To maintain the peace, he controlled his empire with words. He was also very powerful as the king of kings, and he knew that he held all of the authority. However, Amenhotep III was knowledgable and he …show more content…

Tutankhamen was Akhenaten’s son. Tut was left with an empire that was staring disaster right in the face, because of what his father did. Tut’s rule is notable for reversing what his father did. Until 1922, Tut was hardly known by the modern world. In 1922, British archaeologist Howard Carter discovered Tut’s tomb. This discovery was one the the most fabulous treasures ever,taking more than 10 years to clean out. Tutankhamen is unique because of his early death at the age of only 19. Tut was tall and physically frail with a bone disease that was crippling. Another reasoning for his early death may be because of traditional inbreeding in the Egyptian royal family. Tut’s parents were brother and sister and his wife ws his half sister. When Tut passed everything from Akhenaten was destroyed and Amarna diminished in the dust as if it never was the thriving city that it was. Not only was Akhenaten destroyed but the royal family and everything from

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