Compare And Contrast City Of Thieves By David Benioff

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Has your skin ever tasted the scorching coldness to the point of actually flavoring death, has your stomach ever craved for even a gram of anything that can keep you alive, has your deep-down core ever been so disturbed by profound fear? No never, because the deep-freeze, starvation, and horror that Kolya and Lev experienced were far worse to the point of trauma. In the novel, City Of Thieves, author David Benioff describes the devastating and surreal situations and emotions that occurred to Benioff’s grandfather, Lev and Lev’s friend, Kolya, during WWII the Siege of Leningrad in Leningrad, Russia. Both Lev and Kolya share some similarities such as their knowledge of literature; even so, they are very contrastive individuals who oppose …show more content…

This is evident in the beginning when Lev refuses to escape to Vyazma with his mother and sister because he wants to serve as a hero in the war, “I fought with my mother… She wanted me to go with them… But I wasn’t leaving Piter. I was a man. I would defend my city…” (8). He reflects as a 17-year-old craving for the title of a hero, “I was seventeen, flooded with a belief in my own heroic destiny... I believed in the cause; I would not flee the enemy; I would not miss out on the triumph.” (9). Despite his severe desire to feel entitled to heroism, Lev recognizes that he does not feel remotely close to being a hero or stand as a heroic figure, “Heroes and fast sleepers, then, can switch off their thoughts when necessary. Cowards and insomniacs, my people, are plagued by babble on the brain.” (143). Benign of Lev’s journey, Lev is inclined to favor his own heroism and warrior-hero figure; however, amid his journey with Kolya, he concedes to his belief of non-fulfilling heroism and nonetheless fitting a cowardice …show more content…

Immediately upon Kolya’s and Lev’s journey, they confront cannibals in which they are able to overcome them and survive. Lev deliberates Kolya’s bravery and heroism that he yearns for and lingers on his belief of being a complete coward. ”Maybe his mind was more peaceful because he had reacted bravely, with strength and decisiveness, while I cowered on the dark staircase, waiting to be saved.” (64). As their odyssey progresses, Lev and Kolya rest at Sonya’s house -Kolya’s friend. Lev is seen struggling with sexual jealousy towards Kolya’s sexual affairs with Sonya, while he hasn’t had any sexual intimacy with anyone at all. “Sonya was lovely and kind, but her pleasure was awful to listen to—I wanted to be the one who could transport a pretty girl away from the siege with my cock.” (76). After their stay at Sonya’s house, Lev and Kolya encountered 2 girls and questioned them about the possibility of eggs, where the 2 girls are seen flirtatious towards Kolya in which Lev again refers to being jealous and feels complete injustice “A surge of envy rose in me again, that sense of injustice compounded with anger and self-loathing—why did they like him? The long-winded braggart! And why did I begrudge him their attention? I didn’t care about these girls, after all. Neither was remotely attractive to me...”

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