Compare And Contrast Chillingworth And Hester Prynne

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With all the betrayals the Chillingworth and The Master suffered through the natural thing to want is revenge and that is exactly what they both achieve through several events after their betrayals. Chillingworth gets his revenge on Hester through the Puritan Society. The Puritans society helps Chillingworth get his revenge by the society hurting Hester Prynne with their cruel behavior towards hers. They taunt her and mock her and they put her on the scaffold so everybody can see her shame. (Hawthorn 43-51##) The Master gets his revenge on the Doctor through the Time Lords of Gallifrey. The Doctor in his attempt of defense of Gallifrey against the Deleks became an outcast. Someone to look at in shame because he betrayed his name. He wasn’t …show more content…

The society around them gave them the revenge both desired without having to lift a finger. Their societies they were living both had very different standards of what was unforgivable sin. Even with these very different standards both societies had the same very similar reactions to the sins when they were broke. People who broke it were outcasts and judged harshly. The cruelty in both cultures helps the men succeed in part of their revenge. Now that the Chillingworth and The Master have got to witness the suffering caused by others on those that hurt them it’s their turn to hurt them. Chillingworth first action is sense he can’t get under Hester skin he will get under the skin of the one she loved instead of him. Dimmesdale. As Dimmesdale health begins to fail Chillingworth is called into help him. He now living with Dimmesdale taking care of him. While its unknown if it’s Chillingworth that actually does it. It’s thought that he decorated Dimmesdale room which has two focus points. A tapestry of telling the story of King David and Bathsheba which is a story of betrayal and adultery or a window that looks out at a

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