Compare And Contrast Capitalism Vs Marxism

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The U.S. economy has always been based on principles of capitalism; however, the present economy is far removed from the free enterprise system. The major discrepancy between ideal system and the real system is that the U.S. economy is no longer based on competition. Like it used to instead it is now dominated by huge corporations that, contrary to classical economic theory, control and demand rather than respond to the demands of the market. However the economic system might once worked, but the growing size & power of organizations or businesses interfere with it. Capitalism is generally characterized by competition coming between producers. Other things, like the participation of government in production and regulation, var. Capitalism is mostly based in economic growth due to the production and prices being decided on by the …show more content…

This contrasts with capitalism where free markets predominate and property is privately owned. Socialism tends to favor cooperation whereas capitalism is characterized by competition. Karl Marx believed low-income workers, had these injustices, would inevitably revolt against and the wealthy bourgeoisie. In its place, he envisioned a society where government or the workers themselves owned and controlled industry. Marx argued that every economic system except socialism produces forces that eventually lead to a new economic form. Socialists believe shared ownership of resources and central planning offer a more equitable distribution of goods and services. In short, they hold that workers who contribute to economic output should expect a commensurate reward. Under a socialist system the government has a job to determine the output and prices of the goods, meanwhile in the capitalist economy system the market is the one whom decides the prices using the laws of supply and

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