Compare And Contrast Byzantine Empire And Western Empire

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The “Fall of the Roman Empire” occurred in 330 C.E when the Roman Empire was split into two sides which was the Eastern and Western Empire. Constantine the Great whom was the Roman Emperor approved the split and later became the Emperor of the Eastern side of Rome which is where the name of Constantinople came from which was he capital of the Eastern Roman Empire, and later became known as the Byzantine Empire. On the other hand, the capital of the Western Roman Empire became Rome. Not only were the capitals different, but Western and Eastern Empire did not share the same religious beliefs, language, nor relationships between state and church, hinting as to why the Roman Empire had split.
When the Roman Empire split, the difference in religion became very prominent. The Byzantine Empire practiced an Orthodox faith which was monotheistic ran. The Byzantines saw emperors as representatives of Christ, therefore Constantine later became known as Saint Constantine an was very influential in the Orthodox church. It was very important for Byzantines to go to Church and they greatly valued when mass was given by a monk. In contrast, the Western Roman Empire followed Roman Catholicism which was …show more content…

The Byzantine empire was considered Greek therefore their main language was Greek. The Byzantine Empire was more open to different ideologies and religions whereas the Western Empire was more concentrated specifically in Roman culture. On the other hand, The Western empires keep the Latin language and it soon became the main language used. An example of his cultural and religious difference is the concept of “graven image”. The Byzantine Empire saw graven images as going against the Second Amendment making the concept of graven images looked down upon in the Byzantine Empire, whereas the Western Empire did not see anything wrong with graven

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