Compare And Contrast Because I Could Not Stop For Death

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Emily Dickinson, poet of the poem “Because I could not stop for Death” and Jerry Jacks constructor of the song, “Seasons in the Sun” express similar views. They both accepted their death, they both reminisced their journey of life, and they both shared the same perception of the afterlife. First, Emily Dickinson’s poem “Because I could not Stop for Death” and Terry Jacks’ song “Seasons in the Sun” are similar because they both express an acceptance of death. In “Because I could not Stop for Death”, Emily Dickinson starts the poem with asserting her acceptance of dying, “He kindly stopped for me/ The carriage held but just ourselves/ And immortality” (Dickinson ll. 2-4). She gladly got inside the carriage with death and immortality as they rode to the grave. She is saying that she was preoccupied with the issues going on in her life and dying was not on her mind. She also voices that she is fine with dying because she believes in eternal life. Emily Dickinson personifies death to show her acceptance: And I had put away My labor and my leisure too For his Civility- (Dickinson ll.6-8). Emily Dickinson expressed that she stopped working and gave up her human tendencies for …show more content…

In Emily Dickinson’s poem “Because I could not stop for Death”, she is comfortable and happy with her death because she knows that there is immortality, “I first surmised the horses’ heads/ Were toward eternity” (Jacks ll. 23-24). The horses signify her journey to the afterlife. Similarly to Emily Dickinson, Terry Jacks speaks about the afterlife, “Little children everywhere/ When you see them, I’ll be there” (Jacks ll.23-24). He is saying to help his love ones cope with his death, telling them that he will always be there. He tells them that his spirit is everywhere and when they think of him, he will be there. Emily Dickinson and Terry Jacks both share the view of

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