Compare And Contrast Atheism And Anne Bradstreet

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In the early 17th century, England suffered great turmoil. The country suffered from a severe economic depression and the election of a new king, Charles 1. King Charles’ most known quality was being sympathetic to the Roman Catholics, which greatly upset the religious group known as the Puritans. This upset them so deeply that some of them, known as the separatists, wanted to separate from the Church of England while others, known as the non separatists, wanted to reform the Church of England from within. The separatists decided that they would leave England all together and sail to America. The Puritans believed that they were the “New Israelites”, sailing towards their holy land. They decided that they would make a covenant with God while …show more content…

While most of Bradstreet’s works were encomiums to her family, most of her poems and work had strong messages about God and faithfulness. Bradstreet explained one of her doubts when she wrote, “Many times hath Satan troubled me concerning the verity of the scriptures, many times by Atheism, how I could know whether there was a God; I never saw any miracles to confirm me, and those which I read of how did I know but they were feigned? That there is a God my Reason would soon tell me by the wondrous works that I see," (Bradstreet 125). Bradstreet here describes her doubt about the truth of God because no biblical-like miracles had ever happened to her. But she then describes how she was brought back to God through nature’s beauty and how God clearly exists if the Earth shows all of the beauty that Bradstreet can see. Bradstreet also talks about Gods omnipresence in her life when she recalls something that happened to her as a child. Bradstreet states, “About 16, the Lord laid His hand sore upon me and smote me with the smallpox. When I was in my affliction, I besought the Lord and confessed my pride and vanity, and He was entreated of me and again restored me” (Bradstreet 124). Bradstreet became ill at age 16 and the Lord saved her. When she repented, the Lord had mercy on her and saved her. This shows Gods omnipotence and His omnipresence. God cares for those of his people who obey the

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