Community Acquired Pneumonia Research Paper

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Pneumonia is an inflammatory process of the lung parenchyma, usually infections in origin. Pneumonia causes your lungs by filing extra mucus and become inflamed. Which could decrease the lungs ability then normal lungs to take in air (Eagan pg. 506). Pneumonia is separated in three different classes and they are Community acquired Pneumonia which is also known as (CAP), Nosocomial pneumonia or Healthcare associated pneumonia and hospital acquired pneumonia, which is also known as (HCAP) and ventilator Associated pneumonia. Pneumonia is one of the most common infection requiring hospitalization. Pneumonia causes the bronchioles and the alveoli to fill with excess mucus and become inflamed.
Commonly acquired Pneumonia is usually got outside the …show more content…

There are 120 million episode of pneumonia per year in children under 5, over 10% of which (14 million) progress to severe episodes. There were an estimated 935,000 deaths from pneumonia in children age of 5 in 2013. Pneumonia still causes around two million deaths among children annually (20% of child deaths). In any interventions that would affect pneumonia mortality is of great public health importance. Aspiration pneumonia is associated with a higher in hospital mortality rate than community-acquired pneumonia in patients. Risk of death in pneumonia is increased in Male patients, hypotension, tachypnea, diabetes, cancer, neurologic disease bacteremia leukopenia multiple lobe involvement (Notes CHAP 22). In patients that are diagnosed with pneumonia and who have spent on average of 5.2 days in the hospital. In 2013, it causes 2,596,993 deaths, it accounted 821.5 deaths per 100,000 populations, the average life expectancy was 78.8 years, and infant mortality rate was 5.96 deaths per 1,000 new births. For example, Streptococcus pneumonia causes 1,200,000 drug resistant infections per year, 19,000 excess hospitalizations, 7,000 deaths and $96,000,000 in excess medical costs per year

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