Communism Dbq Essay

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During the twentieth century, countries such as Russia and China became very large and influential because they followed adopted the communist policy. Communism was a system that everyone had wanted because of the pain and destruction of World War II. It brought hope and happy times for many of the people living in these countries and it effectively met the economic needs of society. The main principle of communism that everyone knows is that everyone is equal and there is no social class distinction. Consequently, there would be no more private property to help establish this lack of class distinction and any businesses would be handled by the government from then on. Everyone would be paid the same no matter the amount of work that they put in and it would not matter what their job would be. Many argue that since there is no private property and everyone is paid the same it would cause people to be less motivated because of the lack of competition and the government would eventually have to use fear …show more content…

Communism supports widespread social welfare enforces the main principle of communism of no social classes. Communism made “improvements to public health and education, provision of child care, provision of state-directed social services, and provision of social benefits”(Source one). This stimulates economic productivity since everyone will be treated well and will feel the need to pay back to the community because of the care they were given. On top of this, communism advocates free education including college because they want the working class to be inspired and strive to be a “New Man.” Finally, they also give free housing and give jobs to people who previously have not had one, so they have low unemployment and low homelessness which is the opposite of capitalist countries such as the U.S. because they were known for having high unemployment and

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