Common Core Standards Research Paper

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Should Texas adopt Common Core Standards? After researching the arguments given from both the opponents and proponents and analyzing the evidence each side has presented I will now dissect each sides reasonings to determine whether the evidence and arguments given are sound. The first issue presented by the proponents of Common Core Standards, Side A, is college and career readiness and determining whether or not current state standards in Texas effectively prepares students for life after high school. Proponents argue that current state standards fail to offer students the knowledge and skills required for college and the workforce. They give their evidence in the form of statistics, including the fact that Texas is ranked 42nd in …show more content…

Their main obligation is to Texas students. To ensure that students receive the education necessary to become accomplished, productive citizens. The Save Texas Schools Organization was formed to change the standards that are currently in place and set forth a higher set of standards that will provide students with the means necessary to succeed and compete in a global market. Their duty is to put the best interests of the students first and make that their priority. The proponents value education, human rights and equality for all students across the state that seek to receive the same education as students across the country that have higher standards. They believe that putting Common Core standards in place will put students in Texas on par with students nationally and internationally. Every student has the right to quality education that will prepare them to be productive and accomplished …show more content…

They value the independence in having it’s own education agency (TEA) and believe that the federal government should in no way shape or form be involved or concerned with the education that students in Texas are receiving. Both Governor Abbott and former Governor Perry argue that only the teachers and parents of students in Texas know what is best for those students. Their goal is to limit federal government involvement and have an education system on their terms only. The consequences of these beliefs have negative effects on students studying in the state of Texas. While following state standards are perfectly fine, the standards must prove to be on par or better than Common Core. So far, the proof is not there. A positive would be if Texas improved these standards that exceeded national requirements. Texas could still have the independence that they tightly cling to, but at the same time give students the education they

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