Commitment To Professionalism

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To maintain a commitment to professionalism in a child care program, first, you need to know that you are committed to the program and that you will strive to the best of your abilities to bring out the best of you to the children and to the program. Commitment means "the state or quality of being dedicated to a cause, activity, etc", and this case, being dedicated to professionalism. Professionalism means,"the skill, good judgment, and polite behavior that is expected from a person who is trained to do a job well." It is very important that when working in the program, we show our commitment to professionalism by working with the children properly by helping them improve and develop their skills and have respect for the parents as well. It is necessary to communicate with the parents, both when they arrive with their child in the morning or when they come back at the end of the day to pick their child up. This communication actually gains the parents trust, participation and support. Communication helps to inform the parents of their child's daily activities, any new developments, change in habits and any problems or concerns that the caregiver might have. This is also a great opportunity for the parents to communicate their concerns or suggestions they might have. …show more content…

The care provider must keep any differences of opinions to themselves and make sure that they present themselves in a professional manner. It is admired to have a positive attitude and smile at all times. If the care provider has a concern or a problem with a child, they should respond in a positive professional way. The care provider should make sure to get down to the Childs level when speaking to them and to speak to them and not at them. Also to use a calm tone of voice. The care providers needs to know that they should be respectful at all times and be sure that each child feels safe and loved while in the

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