Commercial Revolution 16th Century

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The commercial revolution was a time in Europe where the economy expanded like never before. This all began around the 16th century. But before the 16th century there were new technologies being invented and new social structures being created that helped catapult the commercial revolution. Prior to the 16th century we had peasants fleeing to towns and cities who then became residents. Steadily more residents settled in towns. The merchant class known as burghers organized to fight off the feudal lords who were interfering with their businesses and trade. As a new social structure formed newer technologies emerged to help with the growing populations in towns and cities. Agriculture was a big technological advancement. Three things that boosted it: warmer climates, …show more content…

With the banking system wanting in on the trade they created a service, which would lend money to anybody wanting to get in on the trade. With more people getting in on the trade it allowed certain individuals to become wealthier if they invested their money right. In addition to a wealthy population some individuals started investing their money together known as joint-stock companies. This allowed them to start larger projects with less risk. As certain individuals start to reap all the money flowing into Europe we start to see capitalism emerge. In distinction to the commercial revolution we started to see inflation occur. An increase in prices accompanied by a fall in the purchasing value of money. We then start seeing aristocracy fall apart. They can’t keep up with wages so they start to sell of their estates and the ones that can buy it are the rich middle class merchants. With the inflation causing widespread issues the rich were not that affected by it. But for the poor it was insurmountable. The commercial revolution brought great wealth to Europe, but the wealth was not evenly distributed among the

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