Coming Of Age Essay

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The teenage years is a difficult and awkward stage in in a person's life. It can be more difficult if you do not fit in with the rest of the kids your age. Many teenagers who are not naturally popular, will fall under peer pressure and will try to do anything to become popular. Oscar Wao falls under the peer pressured teenagers category. Many teenagers including Oscar will be pressured into acting a different way just to fit in with the rest of the teenagers. Some reasons why teenagers act a certain way is due to being overweight, romanticism, and being a nerd. To start with, being overweight can be rough. Especially while you are in high school. Being an overweight high school student can make you think things that are not true at all. In Oscar’s case, being overweight made him think that no girl will ever like him. He desperately wants to become successful with …show more content…

Oscar is obsessed with falling in love. Unfortunately, Oscar was never smooth with the ladies. Oscars greatest fear is to die a virgin. Romanticism is a critical part of Oscar’s life. It is so critical that romanticism almost killed Oscar, twice. Oscar almost died because he tried to kill himself after a girl rejected him and after a woman’s boyfriend kidnapped Oscar and nearly killed him. Eventually, Oscar is killed due to love. Oscar slept with the girlfriend of the man who killed him. Love was the cause of his death. Oscar finally get what he was asking for all his life, a girl. But that didn't; come until after high school. Oscar was not popular with girls or other people all throughout his school years. One main reason why he did not stand out was because he was a nerd. Not just a nerd that had good grades, he was a nerd who was obsessed with science fiction, fantasy novels and comic books. Being a nerd as a teenager automatically made you unpopular. This is why Oscar was a unliked teenager and he tried to be liked by acting

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