Comet State School Behavior Management Plan

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Comet State School Behaviour Management Plan

Comet State School in Queensland issues their staff members with a ‘Responsible Behaviour Plan’ for dealing with students who misbehave either inside or outside the classroom. The plan states a range of actions for them to take when faced with student misbehaviour, and the consequences that should be involved for behaviour that does not comply with the school’s expectations and standards. It is stated on the plan that consequences may be used to, “provide the opportunity for all students to learn; ensure the safety of staff and students; [and] assist students who exhibit challenging behaviours to accept responsibility for themselves and their actions.” (Comet State School, 2012) By using these consequences, authorised by Education Queensland, the best interests of the school community including students, parents, and teachers, will always be considered. …show more content…

Bill Rogers states in Behaviour Management: A Whole-School Approach that, “Effective behaviour management is essential to the smooth running of a school … [as] everyone’s right and responsibilities are addressed.” (Rogers, 1995) A behaviour management plan can create a controlled school environment where students and staff can feel safe, and a sense of consistency can be in order for the greater good of the

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