Comedy Empowering Women Analysis

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Could you picture comedy empowering women? This question would have only one kind of answer in the olden day but now that might be a whole different story. Just like how the world in politics and work environment change, I believed that the comedy world did too. However there are lots of sayings about how women aren’t funny. Those kinds of comments/statements are something men would say because they don’t want women to move into the comedy world. Women already have equal power in the political and work environment. Comedy represents feminist power.
Now a day’s comedy can come in many forms. Mostly comedies are appearing in medias. However, comedies are also found in books, comedy clubs, and comics/cartoon art. Some of the time women are diving …show more content…

Burns: Yes? Well, *I* have ten high-priced lawyers.
[He presses a button, opening a wall panel and revealing his ten lawyers standing in a row. Hutz screams in terror and dashes out of the room]”.
This quote shows that Marge drop the lawsuit against Mr. Burns was only because she cannot compete with his army of lawyers. Marge’s drop of lawsuit does not show that feminist power being lowered. Another reason Marge drops the lawsuit because her lawyer was the one who ran away.
Another example is given in the article “Fat Monica, Fat Suits, and Friends” by Amy Gullage. Amy Gullage starts off by giving us a summary on the show Friends and tells us which 4 episodes showed fat Monica. She then explains how the use of the fat suit making the actress look is a funny. She explained that people are laughing at fat Monica because we think we are better than her. She also showed how fat Monica can’t get any guy to like her and is easily hurt/bullied. Then at the end she is explained this is what our society is …show more content…

In the article it stated, “Friends employs a particular narrative structure through the use of Monica’s fatness. Her fatness is used primarily as a novelty, a visual spectacle that renders Fat Monica a one - dimensional, comedic gag.”(Gullage, 180) This quote showed that they want some comedy in the show so they decided to use a fat suit. When it comes to fat suit mostly everyone would find it funny. I do not believe that this should matter when it comes to femininity. It doesn’t matter if you are skinny or fat; all that matter is what you make of yourself. From this article it said that fat people are fat because they are lazy. I don’t disagree with that statement but I do not want to agree with it either. If a fat woman could be something great then they are a feminine in my book. Like the example use in the above dealing Monica from “Friends” she was fat long time ago, but because she worked hard she became skin and successful. Even though Monica was fat she made something of her self and in my book that is

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