Color Code Personality Traits

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The Color Code personality test has revealed that the color that defines me most is blue. While I was not excited about the color, reading more into what it meant, I could not have thought of a better description of who I am. By identifying my strengths and weaknesses it will help me come closer to having the characteristics of a successful entrepreneur.
One of my skills at work is the fact that I never let go of something once I am committed to it. Getting things done right the first time is always my goal but, I am not afraid to continue working on something until it is perfect. Another strength I have is my ability to create quality-based work, I am a very hard working individual and do my best at completing the job correctly. Something I often get compliments on is how my personal code of ethics is very strong. Being willing to work until the job is done is a quality trait to bring to starting your own business because it can be what sets you apart from competitors.
Some strengths that stand out the most in my personal life are, how I love to serve and give freely to benefit others, whether it is donating money or paying close attention to events that happen to surprise my friends with little gifts, I enjoy brightening someone's day. I am known as …show more content…

I tend to want to make everything my way. Lately, I have been working on letting this habit go because I work with kids and there is just no way to make it perfect and also in projects I have learned to just try my hardest on my parts instead of controlling the group. Another thing that has stumped me is my standards of how people should act. I get very disappointed when I find out not everyone tries to live a honest and committed life. I really think all ways to reverse my weaknesses would be joining more clubs and being with more people who are not people I would normally hang out

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