College Students Need To Tough Up Quit Their Grade Whining Summary

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The article “College Students Need to Toughen Up, Quit Their Grade Whining” is a persuasive piece written by college professor Robert Schlesinger. The article goes over the new expectations of college professors in respect to grading. No longer are the days of giving a C for someone doing the bare minimum, as students now expect to get B’s or above for just showing up and completing their homework or classwork with marginal effort. Most students these days attribute success to working hard, their justification being that they have worked hard, so they deserve a higher grade. Students desire that their effort put in should be reflected in the grade they receive. But, as Robert details in the article; effort is not a substitute for results. He then goes on to state that if …show more content…

This article has several agreeable points, majorly being that you shouldn’t get a good grade just for trying hard, it’s what you produce that counts as well. As Schlesinger states in the article, “This is the way things were when I was a student, grade school through college: Do an adequate job, get a C; do an above average job, get a B; do a spectacular job, get an A.”. While I agree this should be the case, it doesn’t help the student that has trouble in a certain subject, while another student can coast by and get A’s. This is brought up in the article, but I don’t think that Schlesinger goes into enough detail on it. While I agree that students should be expected to work hard and not receive a good grade just for working hard, I think that it should be a part of the total grade. If a student very obviously worked hard on something but did poorly, should they be graded less than their peer who didn’t do much but did very well on the assignment? No, because hard work is relative. Some students are bad at their English classes but top of the class in their Math classes. In this

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