College Should Be Free

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Young adults are concerned with a variety of expenses; groceries, gas, bills, the occasional date night, and the list goes on and on. For some young adults, these are the only expenditures they worry about, but for the college goer, the biggest money guzzler is tuition. Tuition for public universities should be free for a multitude of reasons, including to help students who have hectic schedules and therefore do not have time for a job and to encourage more graduated high schoolers to attend college to assist them in building a career. Furthermore, free higher education will boost the economy. Free college is affordable and fair. With specific precautions and careful planning, students will not take advantage of free tuition and will regularly attend class. Higher education should be viewed as a basic …show more content…

This mindset cannot and will not be achieved until we have made public universities free. The high rates of tuition drive people away due to the fear of loans or burdening their parents with the risk of debt. Student loans take an unnecessary amount of time to pay off, and for the average student who works minimum wage, this is an unfair battle. For those of us who do not work minimum wage or at all due to scheduling conflicts or an intensified focus on our studies, making payments on tuition is even more difficult. Changes need to be made, college tuition should be free at public institutions. Some may argue free tuition is not fair, or that it would be too expensive, whereas both arguments are invalid. Free tuition is fair because we already have free public school, so why not free higher education as well? By now, higher education should be a human right that we need to exercise, and this will not be too expensive for our country because the current expenses used in government aid for students is higher than the estimated expenses involved with free tuition. Let us have less debt and more educated

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