College Is A Time Of Sacrifice Analysis

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College, it is a time of excitement and change. For many students this is the time to enjoy life, and live to the fullest. At least, that is what we see in the movies that feature college student behavior. However, college is also a time of sacrifice, where students give up valuable things in pursuit of higher education for a better future. For example, college students give up time and lots of it, to dedicate it to studying. A major source of that sacrificed time is relative to sleep. It is common knowledge that on average an adult should receive approximately seven to nine hours of sleep a night. In college, most students feel like anywhere from four to six hours of sleep will suffice for a given day because immediately following classes
However, college is more than sacrifices, and it gives back. In college you meet new people, make new friends, have life changing experiences and make amazing memories, and also get to experience things like alcohol and drugs. Those are some of the amazing perks of college, but as previously mentioned, it is filled with some sacrifice and we do get some amazing things in return but one of the not so amazing benefits is stress. So, basically we give up sleep and we receive stress while in college, and one can influence the other. I believe that it is somewhat obvious that the more stressed a person is the less likely they are to sleep, and that naps impact sleep patterns and performance. However, I also think that I like most other students I have talked to since I have been in college, that when I have a big paper or test coming up the first thing I give up is sleep. Then I even sacrifice sleep to unwind and enjoy things (like Netflix) I traditionally can’t because I am stressed or working on homework or studying. Therefore, my health intervention is to obtain the appropriate amount of sleep for my age group, which varies by source but averages out to about seven to nine hours, in hopes that I might reduce my stress level and help me maintain a healthier
The article also takes into account the time of day of the naps, and also the effects of sleep and naps on memory. Therefore, it accounts for the effects of napping on human’s ability to perform tasks. There were 32 participants mostly female with 9 males and 23 females at approximately 22.5 years of age (Groeger, Lo, Burns, & Dijk, 2011). The design of the experiment was a between groups design, and the structure was that each participant would get no more than six hours of sleep then an 80 paired words were given in attempt to gage memory after sleep and they were tested the words after 10 minutes of reading them, and they rated how tired they were. Next, they were assigned to either morning or afternoon nap times and the naps were 90 minutes each, and then they were given a series of tests that were given five minutes after waking from the nap. These were very steep measures for researching this very interesting

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