College Essay On Dyslexia

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Dyslexia is known as a learning disability which severely affects language development and impacts reading and other language-based development and functioning. According to my research, dyslexia is known to be "the impairment of the ability to read” (Webster's New World Dictionary, 1996). Also, “it is estimated that between one and one-half to five percent of the population have some of the symptoms of dyslexia”(Spofford & Grosser, 1996). Although, dyslexia mostly occurs in kids but once in awhile dyslexia goes undiscovered for quite a long time and isn't perceived until adulthood. It's a lifelong condition which occurs by genetics that affects the brain process. In spite of that, individuals that have dyslexia can do well in school with the …show more content…

Signs of dyslexia vary depending on age. If an individual has most of these symptoms and wants to consult a doctor for medical advice, there are a few specialists, you can consult such as a speech therapist, clinical psychologist, neurologist, and pediatrician. Therefore, if an individual has one or two of the signs mentioned below, it doesn't mean that the individual is dyslexic. These symptoms can be hard to recognize before starting school, yet there are some early signs for kids in one to four ages. Developing skills such as talking skills and motor skills later than most kids. In addition, difficulty in pronouncing words such as a child reading "mawn lower" instead of "lawn mower”, learning alphabets, numbers, colors, shapes, the day of the week, etc. When a child enters school, theses symptoms may suggest dyslexia such as difficulty in reading, spelling, pronunciation, processing and comprehending instructions, vision and hearing similarities, and the difference in words and letters. When a child enters the teenage and adult age, the symptoms that indicate dyslexia are difficulty in memorizing, solving math problems, learning another language and understanding jokes and

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