College Essay On Concussions

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Each year, U.S emergency departments treat an estimate 173,285 sports and recreation concussions. During the last decade concussions increased by 60%. Fewer than 10% of concussions result in loss of conscious. Most people recover from a single concussion. Multiple concussions take longer to recover from. The concussion Clinic at Nationwide Children’s Hospital utilizes the expertise of pediatric sports medicine, physical medicine, and rehabilitation specialists. A concussion may be caused by a blow, bump, or jolt to the head or by any fall or hit that jars the brain. A concussion causes the brain to work longer and harder. A concussion affects the mental stamina and function of the brain. Even though concussions are very serious and potentially life threatening to the young athlete, studies show that less than 50% of high school athletes will report their concussions. Almost all athletes …show more content…

This is a disease is found in the brain and is caused by a buildup of a protein called tau. Tau slowly kills brain cells. Even after brain trauma has ended this process still continues. There are many symptoms such as memory loss, confusion, impaired judgement, depression, and even aggression. Unfortunately, there are no pros about concussions. A doctor named Bennet Omalu is a Nigerian forensic pathologist. He had recently been documented on a movie called Concussion. This movie is about football players in the NFL that had died from concussions and was being accused by the NFL for false actualization. What Dr. Bennet Omalu was trying to get people to see is that these football players were not going insane that they were hurt from the game itself. Concussions will always be a factor in sports. New technology someday could help prevent athletes from getting concussions. Maybe even a doctor will come out with a cure to prevent CTE from happening. Concussions are the leading injury in sports

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