College: A Plethora of Experiences

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The plight of waking up at 5:30 in the morning is a small price to pay for an education. This is what I tell myself when the dreaded alarm goes off and the time comes to prepare for the school day. I may gripe. I may grumble. But deep down, I know that I wouldn't have it any other way. School is a means of self-improvement, an investment in one’s self. That being said, throughout my four years at Wake Forest anything can and will transpire, but on commencement day at Hearn Plaza, there is one thing that will be certain: I will be better than I was when I started.
One thing that is certain is that I will learn. Class after class, I will leave knowing more than I did when I entered. But outside of class, I will spend hours on the infamously quiet top floor of the Reynolds’ library honing what I have learned. Knowledge spawns such magnificent things and best of all it can’t be taken away. I could be beaten and bruised, breaths away from the face of death, but I still have my knowledge. However, knowledge can also be given, passed on to other people to possess for eternity. It is a gift....

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