Collaborative Decision Making In Health Care Essay

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Collaborative decision through shared governance
Collaborative decision through shared governance is very crucial for achieving the quality of patient care, improving the collaboration and good working environment, optimize job satisfaction and improving retention among health care team(Anthony, 2004). It promotes the problem solving and accountability by working together to make a decision that is directed toward patient’s health status and nursing practice. In addition, shared decision-making process improves the communication, diversity and creativity in health care field. This paper will discuss about the functions of collaborative decision making committee, role of attendees and the observations of interactions among the members of committee. …show more content…

Meeting was about improving the patients’ life satisfaction and health care outcomes through quality of care with respect, dignity, courtesy and others. Functions of the committee were, explaining the purpose of meeting regarding quality of patient care and it’s effect on patients’ health status, Employees job satisfaction and others, delegating the task among committee members. In fact, we developed a plan to carry out responsibilities, goal and objectives of committee. All the attendees had great role in facilitating the meeting through critical ideas and experiences to promote the quality of care. It is most important to have an ideas and opinions of all members, which “places authority, responsibility and accountability for patient care with practicing health care team”(Massachusetts General Hospital, n. d). All the attendees were actively participated in reviewing the new policy for patient care. Committee reviewed whole policies and procedures regarding patient care, safety measures, quality of patients’ life such as, infection control, prevention of skin breakdown, fall prevention, exercise program, cultural and religious activities and others. Also, they provided feedback on policies and procedures. In addition, all the attendees took the responsibilities of new policies and procedures to be carried in to the

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