Collaboration Betwee In Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind

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To view a movie, one must first produce a movie, and with producing a movie you have to make sure to have all the right pieces to create it correctly and well. Each movie has its own style and its own way of doing things, but in the end there is always a process that at its core follows the same pattern and the same way of doing something. In production there are necessary steps to follow and actions to carry out. It is a combined force that the notion of auteur theory doesn't hold true. Auteur theory is the theory that for some films there is a singular person or artist that is the driving force for the whole creative work, which in this case would be a movie. For the auteur theory, either a famous actor or actress or the director perhaps would be the sole and primary creative drive that thus makes the "magic" happen for the movie. While in some movies this may be true that is definitely not true for all. In Eternal Sunshine for the Spotless Mind 's case we get a critique of this ideal through the eyes of Andrew Butler, and even in his beginning words "A film is clearly a collaboration …show more content…

From the well-known actors Jim Carey and Kate Winslet, to the equally famous Charlie Kaufman and Michel Gondry. Andrew Butler supplied us with the history of each important participant in the creation of the movie, beginning first with the two main actor and actresses. "Each actor brings the baggage of his or her previous roles to a new project a certain expectation on the part of the audience." By working in the movie both bring their own unique ways of tackling a movie. Jim Carrey often known for his more comedic and spastic ways of portraying a character is in this movie bringing a more reserved and quiet performance when playing that of Joel, which in its own way was striking. Kate Winslet is often portrayed as a women against the times, and this film she does no

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