Cole Depriest Walking With Jesus Analysis

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Simple objects, such as my bracelet and my picture serve as symbols for one of the most important people in my life. My little cousin, Cole DePriest, died on April 3, 2015, just a day after his eighth birthday. When he died, everybody’s lives were changed. The bracelet I wear says, “Cole DePriest Walking With Jesus”. I wear it at all times, except when I have to take it off for athletics and when I shower. It is a constant reminder of how precious he was to me, and to everybody for that matter, and for the miraculous events that followed his death. After he died, strange things kept happening that could only be little signs from God. A few of days after the incident, Cole’s best friend, Jett, came home from school and told his mom that one …show more content…

He looked so happy and joyful in the picture and that’s why I like it so much. It is a true representation of his personality and how outgoing he was to everyone he met. When Cole died, everybody’s lives were affected. It was all so sudden and unexpected that it just left everyone speechless and in shock. I remember the day it happened. I was shopping at the mall in Longview with my mom, aunt Michelle, and cousin, Lauren, when my dad called me. He said, “I just thought I would call and let you know that Cole had a horse riding accident and he didn’t make it.” When he said that, I just stood silent on the phone, unable to process what he had just told me. I thought I heard him wrong at first. “Cole who?” I asked in shock. “Colette’s Cole. He was riding horses and his horse tripped and fell on him. He didn’t make it.” I didn’t know what to say, there were no words. I remember getting off the phone with my dad and I just started bawling. Right in the middle of the mall. I really could not process what was happening. I had just played basketball with Cole two days before that. He had just turned eight the day before. How could this happen to him? And why? I told my mom what happened and I went to sit in the car while she finished checking out. Lauren came and sat with me and I just cried. I started getting texts from people, and seeing tweets and posts on Facebook about it and it just made me more upset. When I got home I just went and laid in my bed for the rest of the day. I’ve never had anybody that I was close to die, so I didn’t really know how to handle it. Cole’s funeral was the second funeral I’ve ever been to in my life, and it was the worst thing I’ve ever experienced. So many people I knew and loved all in one room full of people crying. When I first saw the casket I remember thinking “Caskets aren’t supposed to be that small.” It just didn’t seem

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