Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Essay

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After identify the problems that faced by Riley, we found that the Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is the most suitable therapy to guide Riley for achieving the outcome goals. There are some objectives of Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) which to help a person learn to recognize negative patterns of thought, evaluate their validity, and replace them with rational thinking. CBT emphasises on helping an individual to manage his or her problems by changing the way his or her think and behave. That means it is useful to assist the clients change their undesired behaviours due to the dysfunctional thinking. Besides that, CBT more apply on the clients who suffer from depression and anxiety, but also can be useful for other mental and physical health problems such as eating disorders, insomnia, and panic disorder. In CBT, the counsellor and the client work collaboratively to agree on patterns of behaviour those need to be changed. The roles of counsellor are to listen, guide, and encourage, while the client's roles are to express concerns, practice, and make changes. …show more content…

This can make Riley feel comfortable and willing to talk more. The counsellor can apply appropriate attending behaviour and listening skills to show that he or she concerns about what are happening on Riley. Besides, this will make Riley knows she is not alone, still have someone listen to her. The confidentiality also needs to be mentioned before start the counselling sessions. This can make Riley feel secure and protect her privacy. Next, the counsellor now can start to use the techniques in CBT. Riley is asking by the counsellor to define goals for each counselling session as well as longer-term goals. The purpose is setting realistic goals and learning how to solve problems. At the end of the counselling session, Riley will able to see the changes of behaviours and achieve the outcome

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