Cognition Movie 'Mr. Holland's Opus'

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Cognition Movie: Mr. Holland’s Opus For this second movie reaction, I decided to watch Mr. Holland’s Opus and find practice of cognitive theories and concepts throughout the film. The movie, starring Richard Dreyfuss is a true story about musician and composer who takes a music teaching job to pay the bills and have spare time to compose a masterpiece. Little did he know that his job would soon consume his life for the next thirty years. Over the course of his teaching, he realizes that he wants his students to have the same zest for music as he possesses. This movie is a great example of social cognitive theory in practice and is related to my field of study, which is music education in a secondary setting. One major scene of Mr. Holland’s Opus that jumped out at …show more content…

One of the first scenes with her, he calls her out in front of the band to play her part by herself, despite knowing that she is struggling more so than her peers. He confronts her and sets ups a time to meet with her on an individual basis, which she gladly accepts. However, she soon discovers that she is not progressing in her learning and doubts herself. Later on in a different scene, Gertrude tells Mr. Holland that she wants to quit playing the clarinet. Right away, self-efficacy comes into play with sense of learning on the clarinet. She feels inferior to not only her peers in band, but also her family. “I just want to be good at something” is her statement to Mr. Holland, after regarding how successful everyone in her family is, except her. She is hung up on not only her past failures on the clarinet, but also the successes of the people around her. Through her low self-efficacy and self-concept, Gertrude is allowing her behavior and overall achievement be

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