Code Red Event

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The Code Red Event presented an insight into the dangerous, volatile world we live in today. The event posed many questions, some of which addressed the scientific process, and others, our abilities. It challenged each attendee in many ways, but for me, I was left with only one question. How, as a future scientist and Christian, can I improve at Baylor through personal growth? Our planning and eventual completion of the assigned task was actually due in part to the scientific method. During the event, chaos ensued and a frantic scramble began as people tried to establish leadership and stand out from the crowd. I quickly realized how important it was to remain calm during this event. It was an exercise meant to help us improve, not to see …show more content…

As I walked along the halls and grounds of the campus I noticed something amazing. Almost every student had on Baylor colors or apparel. Out of every college I visited only Baylor can make such a claim. I began to ask every student I saw the same question, “What do you think about Baylor?” and the response was incredible. Every single student answered that it was the best place in the world. Before I visited Baylor I already knew I was a driven person, dedicated to whatever I chose, but after seeing drove after drove of happy Bears I realized I wanted to be a part of the Baylor tradition. Every student at Baylor had a drive so deep and profound, it must surely be from the Lord. I realized that I could work harder, and be more dedicated to a worthwhile purpose. I could grow and become more driven in a Christian environment like Baylor. This weekend was full of opportunity’s to grow and learn, about myself and others, and in these opportunities I see a chance for …show more content…

I saw how applying these methods, to a problem we had not been educated for, nor prepared to face, brought the problem down to a manageable level. Hypothesis, Procedure, Conclusion etc.: these cold and detached words used by students and emphatic researchers came to life in a room full of chaos. By using the scientific method we were able to successfully identify and prescribe a plan of action for the hypothetical crisis. In learning about the scientific method, I also learned about myself. I realized that I am willing to go the distance to achieve my goals of helping others, and Baylor is the perfect school to pursue these goals. The strong sense of community at Baylor fosters a kinship among its students. Every person at Baylor is proud of being a Bear. Green and gold is like the field of dandelions promising a glorious future and offering a sign, fostering proud students and inspiring who they will become. I want to be a part of that line. Baylor asks much of its students, and who much is asked of, much is required. I excel when challenged, and I feel like Baylor is the perfect mix of risk and

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