Code Of Conduct In Peter Peterson's Breakfast Delivery

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A code of conduct is a guide of the values, objectives, responsibilities and ethics of the company. This document is to be used as a guideline for handling ethical situations that arise on the job. Codes of conduct vary in length and each one is different. The code of conduct gives instructions for how employees should respond to situations that arise, as well as information on how to report possible infractions against the code of conduct.
Employee Code of Conduct. Peterson’s breakfast Delivery, LLC. has a mission of providing high quality breakfast delivery options to busy professionals offering a wide variety of products from made to order meals to bagels and cereals. Service will be provided quickly, safely and professionally with the …show more content…

is an equal opportunity employer, discrimination in any form will not be tolerated. Employees will serve all clients equally, with dignity and respect regardless of race, religion, gender or disability status.
Peterson’s Breakfast Delivery, LLC. is a drug free work environment, employees are expected to refrain from use of drugs or alcohol during work hours and refrain from illicit drug use at all times.
Peterson’s Breakfast Delivery, LLC. will not tolerate workplace violence or sexual harassment in the workplace. Any violation of this policy is grounds for immediate termination.
Employees should act with honesty and integrity at all times, any witnessed infraction should be reported at the earliest opportunity to the manager of the employee making the report. If the employee’s manager is suspected of an ethical violation the employee should report the infraction to another member of the management team, or one of the owners.
Employees should always comply with any training, laws, ordinances or legal codes that apply to their position. In the food service industry there are several laws regarding cleanliness of both the cooking environment and the hygiene of those handling the food, these standards will be complied with vigorously.
Conflict of

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