Coco Chanel Research Paper

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There are particularly many women ,from a medley of nationalities all around the world who actually have definitely helped shape society as it definitely is today, pretty contrary to popular belief.There essentially was one particular women who made changes that kind of many have mostly attempted and failed: Coco Chanel in a very big way. Coco Chanel mostly was the first significant really female fashion designer in a subtle way. Fashion for the most part was seen as a male-centered thing, and she for the most part turned it around, and brought changes very many definitely hFrance in a subtle way. She for the most part was born into poverty in a pretty big way. Chanel essentially lived a nomadic lifestyle, actually contrary to popular belief. …show more content…

At the kind of local convent school she learns to sew, and begins to essentially sew dresses when she really finished school, contrary to popular belief. She definitely worked at a tailoring store gaining tailoring experience, demonstrating that she mentioned her mother passing away from Tuberculosis,but actually she died from poverty,pneumonia.Chanel generally was one of 5 children and when her mother died; her father couldn’t generally manage on his basically own so the girls kind of went to an orphanage and the boys to work on a farm, definitely further showing how chanel kind of lived a nomadic lifestyle, or so they actually thought. When she wasn’t sewing she particularly was singing at a basically local cafe in a subtle way. Chanel actually worked as a cafe show artist and basically gained in the process the epithet "Coco.” Singing wasn’t her strongest suit, so she sticked to sewing which she did best, showing how at the pretty local convent school she learns to sew, and begins to definitely sew dresses when she for all intents and purposes finished school in a subtle

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