Coach Summitt Character Analysis

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One might think that it is a hard task to measure a life worth living. However, if a life leaves a legacy that impacts multitudes in a positive manner, it is safe to say that the life was a life of leadership and impeccable character. A prime example of a serving leader with great character is Coach Pat Summitt. Through her biography, virtues, fallibility and personal reflection from her life, it is easy to conclude that this woman is a great example of a servant leader. Coach Patricia Summit was born on June 14, 1952 in Henrietta, Tennessee. Coach Summitt grew up on a farm and played basketball in high school. Also, she played collegiate basketball at the University of Tennessee-Martin until 1974. However, her career did not end there. Pat …show more content…

Pat received rewards based on her character. She received the Joe Lapchick Character Award in 2008. Also, in 2007 she received an award for Americas Best Leaders. She was also won the Dick Enberg Award in 2007. Pat was recognized as one of the 25 Most Influential Working Mothers in 1997 and chaired the United Way Campaign. (Summitt, 2014) These are only a fraction of the achievements and deeds that Pat Summitt had achieved in her lifetime. From basketball to community involvement, Pat showed through her life the virtues she possessed. She showed passion and perseverance through her time as a coach on the floor by how successful and respected she was. She also showed compassion and fairness by the way she led her players through honesty and service. In her community, Pat obviously made a servant leader impact because of the amount of awards and respect that she received from those who did not even care about the sport of basketball. This specifically shows that she led by serving because the awards that were listed above are all based on qualities that require a servant mentality and leadership …show more content…

As a young girl, I was always inspired and followed the life of Summitt. I had met her multiple times through basketball camp and was inspired to be just like her. One similar virtue that we have passion in the areas of our life is basketball. We both have perseverance. Pat had perseverance while she battled dementia while coaching and I have used perseverance while I have pushed through three ACL surgeries while playing. Also, we share similarities in the area of compassion. I have always been a compassionate person by wanting to help others or feeling strongly for people and their situations. Summitt showed an abundance of compassion through basketball and her foundation for dementia. I also share the characteristics of anger and selfishness as I am in the realm of competition. One virtue that I really wish I shared with her would be fairness. This is one area that I really struggle to exhibit because it is hard for me to construct the correct definition of fairness. I see very many similarities between Coach Summitt and I because most of my foundations as a competitor. She also was my inspiration to become a coach for the game of basketball so that I can impact others the way that she

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