Clybourne Park Play Analysis

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Clybourne Park helps people understand the big world of life by bringing up relevant issues that involve people everyday. One example is how people of different races are treated and how they can react to different situations. Francine wanted to think of herself as an equal to the other white characters and refused to accept charity from Bev. This play shows how even today many people have to watch what they say and how they say it, or else anyone might be offended. For example, Steve thought he was just telling a joke, and then Tom was offended by the joke because it referred to the behavior of gay people in a negative manner. This play provides an example of what can happen if one is not careful with their language, and with this example more circumstances like this might be prevented.This small group tends to feel empathy for Russ and Bev because of the fact that they lost their son, Kenneth, through suicide. This also shows how suicide can impact anyone, because it even affected the family buying the house 50 years later in the second act. …show more content…

The general population would probably sympathize with this. However, select groups might not see a problem such as white supremacists or stubborn people who are unwilling to change their values. This play would appeal to many activists, minorities, and the general curious population because of the issues raised in it and the fact that homosexualtiy is a growing issue in today’s global society. Also, younger people may enjoy this play more than older people, because younger people are usually more open to new ideas and changing their ways. In terms of marketing one could broadcast the play in cities and places with a large minority population. This group would market the play to a diverse population and appeal to their empathy for

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