Cloverfield Essay

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I have decided to write about the movie Cloverfield because the scenarios remain etched inside my head. I can replay certain parts of the movie, especially violent or gory scenes, vividly in my head over and over again. For example, the part that is the most clear to me is when Marlena claimed that she did not feel well which led to being taken away and restrained by paramedics. She was dragged behind a curtain and just basically popped and blood just splattered everything. That scene made me cringe for a few minutes because it was so shocking. The reason I think this happens is because of the gross and violent scenes incorporated into this movie. In the beginning, a group of friends and acquaintances gather together to host a goodbye party …show more content…

Surprisingly, there was because this movie is about the United States being infiltrated by a party from another country. This is an example of steganography, which is the art of conveying hidden messages through advertisement, entertainment, or other forms of media. This movie is really about the terrorist attack that occurred on 9/11 and the creature represents Al-Qaeda. Even just by looking at the movie’s poster, the image is similar to an iconic picture taken during 9/11. After I realized the message, it made me think about other movies that hint at the United States fearing another invasion or terrorist attack. It already happened once so there is always a chance that it will happen again to this country. In my opinion, movies that are about the destruction of iconic cities in the US want the audience to think that the country is never one hundred percent safe. One way I can tell the difference between entertainment and political propaganda is who, what, and where is involved in the movie. For example, if the President and the White House is involved in the movie then it is usually trying to keep the President from getting killed by assassins. Historically, some of our Presidents have been assassinated before so it is imperative to keep them alive. Entertainment, to me, is usually just comedic and does not have any violence and relations to death. If I were to be really honest, I

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