Clinical Vs Forensic Psychology Essay

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Compare and Contrast Clinical and Forensic Roles
Practicing psychologists may be presented cases that may include a clinical and forensic assessments within different points of their career, it is essential to understand the significant differences found between the different roles and assessments that may be used. The role of psychologists involved in clinical settings is to assist the client, and what is learned about the patient is used to benefit the patient in terms of personal support and growth. Forensic psychologists are trained in basic clinical work, but must have specialized knowledge and experience related to the law with the inclusion of the workings of the legal system, doctrines concerning mental health evaluations, evaluation methods, ethical issues, and other areas that are needed in beyond general clinical training (Packer, 2008). In a clinical setting the assessments are used as a major function in the treatment strategy, a diagnosis, and is a requirement for patients to receive insurance reimbursement. However, in the field of forensic psychology, the role of the psychologist is to use the results to assist in educating the court or assist in a better understanding, without …show more content…

An example of this distinction can be found in the scenario of if a client presents information involving past sexual abuse during their childhood during a clinical assessment, the accuracy of the information may not be essential to the therapeutic process. However in a forensic assessment, if a child provides information about being abused during a forensic assessment, the psychologist will need to accurately assess the information for factual evidence to protect the well-being of both the child and the accused

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