John Proctor's Desperate Revelation: An Analysis

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B. The climatic moment of scene three opens with John Proctor condemning Abigail by yelling "How do you call Heaven. Whore! Whore!" John reveals the secret affair between him and Abigail out of desperateness. Abigail has an infallible Image, and John hopes that by sharing his secret Abigail will be seen as the manipulative and sinister person she is. Proctor reveals insight of the affair, and Abigail's wicked plan to kill Elizabeth Proctor, giving the court the opportunity to end the chaotic trial. Danforth calls for Elizabeth Proctor who does not know that her husband has already confessed to the affair. She conceals her husbands sinful deeds by claiming "[her] husband- is a goodly man" (105). She denies allegations of the affair, which

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