Clean Up The Car

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Selling a used car isn't as difficult as it might seem. Even if it's your first time, it is possible to sell your car fast and get the most money possible without a major hassle. Doing your research about market value, advertising and increasing the car's curb appeal can go a long way in creating a quick and easy sale.
Clean Up the Car
There's a reason that all of the cars at the dealership look so clean. You are more likely to sell the car when it looks like it's been taken care of. Thoroughly wash and wax the car, clean the windows, vaccuum the interior, detail the trim, clean the upholstery, apply tire gloss and throw away any clutter. If you don't want to do it yourself, you can take the car to a detailer, but this can be costly. The goal …show more content…

Over-pricing and under-pricing are common mistakes that sellers make, so do your research. Check out other used car listings and use pricing calculators to find out the private seller value of your car. If the car needs repair work, you should lower the price accordingly. If you still owe money on the vehicle, contact your loan holder to determine the best course of action. In some cases, you can pay off the rest of the loan with the money you receive from the buyer at the time of sale. If you want to sell the car quickly or it's not in a desirable condition, consider selling it to a dealership, however, they don't typically offer the highest …show more content…

Do you want to list it at online auction sites or in classified ads? Social media and word-of-mouth are other good ways to let people know you're selling. You can also put a "for sale" sign in the window of the car and park it in an area where people are passing by. If you want to make a sale quickly, it's best to use as many methods as possible. When posting an ad, include the car's condition, it's best features and selling points and clear pictures of the interior and exterior. Be realistic, but mention good points such as low mileage, immaculate interior, if you are a non-smoker and anything else that can play up the best features of the

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