Research Paper On Oscar Claude Monet

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Oscar-Claude Monet was a French painter in the late 19th and early 20th century. He is widely regarded as being the developer of the impressionist movement. Monet brought many innovations to the practice of art and was known for working on many of his paintings outdoors. Despite early rejection by the art establishment of the new impressionist movement, Monet would go on to earn fame and recognition for his work in his later years that continues to this day. Monet was born November 14, 1840 and was the second son of a well to do businessman. When Monet was five, the family moved to Le Harve in northern France where Monet would spend most of his formative years. Monet would go to school but would struggle learning in a classroom setting …show more content…

He would make important contacts in his brief time in England before returning to the Paris area after the war in 1872 (at the age of 32). He reacquainted himself with some of the painters from his first stint in Paris and formed the Society of Anonymous Painters, Sculptors and Printers. This group would be the leaders in impressionism. Monet was known to become frustrated during painting and destroy many pieces that did not please him. In 1878, when Monet was in his late 30s, his wife would fall ill giving birth to the couple’s second son and die shortly afterward. He would move in with Ernest Hoshchede and his family, who served as one of his wealth paintings. This arrangement ended in Monet having a lengthy affair with Hoshchede’s wife who he would marry years later upon his death in 1892 when Monet was 52. In the early 1890, by the time he was 50, Monet had experienced enough success that he was able to purchase land in Giverny which would be the setting for many of his most famous works. In order to paint the landscapes outdoors, Monet oversaw the construction of a complex system that allowed his canvass to move and let him paint different

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