Classroom Observation Paper

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I quietly tip toe into class after the bell, hiding from the view of Ms. Windle in the back of the classroom, hoping she didn’t notice me slide through the door late. I survey the busy classroom, all my classmates have already began covering their canvas with bright color. Already behind, I gently prop up my wood standing easel and rest my large vanilla white canvas on it. My eyes scan the photo I have clenched in my left hand and then go back towards the sad blank canvas. I continue to stare at it, strategically planning out my painting in my head like an engineer analyzing his blueprints. Before putting paint to canvas, my eyes get caught on the painting of my classmate directly to the left of me, whose painting of a white sand beach landscape …show more content…

All this comes to a halt once his teacher announces that the class will be having their annual art show right in the middle of the hallway next week; his self consciousness rushing back through his body like water through a broken dam. The show requiring him to stand in front of his work, greeting and explaining his projects to those passing by. The idea of people judging him and his art terrifying. When a week passes and the day of the art show arrives, I come with my art in hand and of course try to find most hidden spot possible off to the back. The spot at the end, that faces the wrong direction so it is out of sight of the common passerbyer, where I know there will be the least amount of traffic in the hallway. Once it’s all set up I begin to get anxious. I keep watching the clock tick faster and faster and my heart begins to beat out of my chest like a loud thump, thump. Then the time comes. The bell rings loudly and deafeningly right above me, making my ears ring. Storming into the hallway like a stampede the students come, flocking to the artwork. When I come to a realization, everyone is admiring the art and complementing my classmates and I. People I had never even talked to coming up to me and saying, “I wish I could could draw like” with friendly smiles on their faces and asking me about my work with large intrigued eyes. This moment is what changed …show more content…

Today holding a conversation about how we are all dreading going to biology class next, where will all sit drooling out of boredom at a slide show filled with words that are seemingly a different language. Simultaneously stressing about the impending test next class none of us are prepared for. During our conversation, my art friend sends me photos of his abstract painting series project for class he has just completed and is anxious to show me how they turned out. Even looking at them on my tiny iphone screen I am blown away at the beautiful detail along with vibrant yellow, blue and red color scheme, so impressed I decide show my friends around the table. Handing my black scratched up iphone to my Nick to my left. The second I reach out my hand I realize I had made a mistake and try to pull it back but it is too late. The the looks of disappointment on their faces like I had expected, instantly validating my fear. While each of my friends has the same disapproving frown on their face, it is the loudest of my friends Nick to speak up once again in protest, “YOU GUYS TEXT TOO?!” looking down at my phone held so tightly in his hand his fingers are turning red. It is then he declares he is deleting the number out my phone so we can no longer talk, telling me I shouldn’t be talking to “one of the weirdest kids at the school”. While I respect my long time friends, and know

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