Why It Is Important To Engage Students Throughout The Classroom

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I always enjoyed history while I was in middle school and high school, but I had many friends who hated it and believed that it was boring and just a list of facts they needed to memorize. I had some great history and social studies teachers growing up and also witnessed some that made students solely did what my friends hated about this subject, memorize facts. It is important to connect the content with the students who are learning the information. For each lesson I will always try to connect what my students are learning with what is happening in the world today. Using current events can grab the student’s attention because it is something that is currently going on in their lives. I hope that this will allow the students want to continue …show more content…

My hope is that three times a week I cannot my lessons to different current events to engage my students in the beginning of class. Also, I want to effectively use materials that will catch the student’s eyes, like pictures, newspapers, videos, artifacts’ and not just reading from a text. I want the students to evolve from the readings and really understand what they are learning. Simply reading does not engage and motivate most students to keep learning, but using visual aids can help the students understand what they are learning was real and still is important in their lives …show more content…

I think for middle school aged students, groups work best. Sometimes this can be risky due to children who next to one and other that have a chatting problem. Starting the school year I would probably assign seats for my students and as the year progressed I would allow them to pick their own seats if they proved they were able to do that themselves. Working in groups can sometimes make the transitional time easier because they will be working together and hopefully will not want to fall behind the other students in their own groups and groups surrounding

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