Classify Sports Fans

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There are various types of sports fans out there. Sports fans can be categorized into three categories: die hard, bandwagon, and ignorant fans. These three categories display how differently sports fans view the game. Die hard fans go to every game and do not miss a single second of the game. I consider myself a die hard fan because I only talk about the Chicago Bulls, and I believe they are the premier team in the NBA. Moreover, my brother can be implemented in this category because he never misses a Miami Heat game. Die hard fans know each and everything about the team. Usually, these fans paint their faces, put up stickers on their cars, and own the team merchandise. Die hard fans only talk about their favorite team and they think their team is the best team in the world. The other teams would be considered trash and the die hard fans defend their team no matter the circumstances. Teams love to possess fans like these because it …show more content…

Bandwagons switch from team to team so that they can be part of a team that hold a great chance of winning the championship. For example, a person that supports the Golden State Warriors, after they acquired Kevin Durant, would be called a bandwagon. Kevin Durant, who is regarded as one of the best players in the NBA, and the Golden State Warriors are considered as one of the best teams in the NBA. Over the past summer, Kevin Durant took his talents to the Golden State Warriors, making the team even better, so whoever starts liking the Golden State Warriors because of Kevin Durant means they are a bandwagon fan. Also, another example of bandwagon fans would be the people that would like a team after the team wins a championship. Numerous amounts of people change favorite teams after the championships for the reason that the team simply won the championship. Bandwagon fans are not categorized as die hard or ignorant fans because they know the game, but they are not loyal to a single

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