Categories of Friendship: A Personal Perspective

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At four years old, I already had a person who was there for every stepping-stone of my life; even though she is infuriating at times, I still love her. We all have different definitions of friendship, but I define it as a relationship between two people that share a common bond with each other. A friendship can either make or break us; it happens every day, they can either last or fail miserably. Therefore, as we grow older, our tastes, value and interests change hence, the person we loved yesterday is not the person we love today. Friends are usually from among individuals considered as "social equals." I have had a few of them throughout my lifetime and they have fallen into four main categories that mostly deals with time and durability.

Seven-eleven friends help us in the time of need in every way possible. Throughout college, we encountered these friendships of convenience because it is easy to have them and they are always available. However, our paths do not cross on a daily basis: like the next-door neighbor, the girl at the salon or the women at the laundry mat on Sundays that gives us extra detergent. If our bus card is lost and stuck at school,they will offer us a ride. They will even lend us money to pay our phone bill when money is a little tight. When we need …show more content…

They fought with us for the boy we both liked in high school, and this caused to a cat-fight and friendship to end. Childhood friend, Mary, she had our backs and knew our most daring secrets but after she saw a better friend who gave tickets her to see her favorite band, she forgot all about us. The best friend that moved away to the United States with her whole family leaving our heart broken. In addition, Felicia, the hyperactive girl that was in kindergarten with us, who used to share all her food went to a different middle school and the friendship drifted

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