Classical Music Argumentative Essay

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In the classical, romantic eras of time, musicians such as Beethoven and Mozart were the idols of music. Since then, more modern day musicians have taken the spotlight such as Beyoncé and Carrie Underwood. There just is not enough room for both genres to be successful anymore. There will always be a desire for modern day music; there will not always be a desire for classical music. I argue that instrumental music is dying due to the rise in modern day music, the loss of appeal to classical music, and the loss of job availabilities for instrumental performers.
As years have passed, modern day music has become the highlight of the music industry. When someone asks about your favorite band, you normally are not going to think about an instrumental group. In 2012, the amount of classical music bought declined by 21%. In the following year, classical music only made up 2.8% of the sold music in the industry. Rock music made up 35%, and R&B made up 18%; 4% was made up of other soundtracks (Vanhoenacker). It is shown in these statistics that modern day music is more commonly desired among the …show more content…

Those few orchestras that are year round want the best performers in the world. If you have the talent you will get to do what you love for life; but then there are the others who do not get this opportunity. A performers life is a life of auditioning. Auditioning for anyone who is willing to offer a job. For those lucky enough to get a job that last year round the choice is easy, but for those who have to have multiple jobs the choice is not as easy. They have to decide whether or not they should continue to pursue their love for music. For many performers, they come to the conclusion that they can not afford to be a performer so they stop. That is one reason the classical music industry may not have a future. Performers do not have the money or the spirit to do what they love anymore, so they quit

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