Classical Hollywood Practice

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What does “Classical Hollywood Practice” mean? Classical Hollywood Practice basically means that the narrative events in the film are primarily motivated by the psychological causes. The time exists within the cause-effect chain, and the plot will consist of only events of casual importance, omitting other significant durations. Also, with this practice, the Classical Hollywood movies will be centered on the characters in the film, therefore making the chain of events centering on the main characters. 2. How does the previous question relate to narrative? Since the Classical Hollywood films center around psychological causes in the narrative events, the film narratives are linked by a cause-effect relationship (Bordwell, Thompson, 79). An event will eventually lead to the next event, and so on. 3. Who is Max Steiner and when was he active in Hollywood? Max Steiner was a film music composer during 20th century. His works greatly impacted the classical period of the film music, and many of his scores are the “object of analysis by contemporary film scholars” (Gorbman 73), one of the central 10 to study for Hollywood’s film music. 4. What are Gorbman’s …show more content…

The first is the referring of the “spectator to demarcations and levels of the narration” and the second is that it “illustrates, emphasizes, underlines, and points” the narrations (Gorbman 82). The first part is known as referential narrative, which indicates point of view and establishes the plot within the film. The second narrative is connotative, in which music illustrates, interprets, and clarifies narrative events. Through this, the music narrative can successfully establish “geographical and temporal setting, at the beginning of a film or during a scene within it” (Gorbman 83). In other cases, music may suggest certain specific character types and his/her point of view, emphasizing the character’s

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