Civil War Compare And Contrast

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Throughout the history of the United States of America we have fought in very powerful wars and have always withstanded, our country's independence was founded by the Revolutionary War for example. But there is always going to be one war that has stood out from the others; the Civil War. The Civil War was fought ENTIRELY on American soil and if you could imagine the casualties in that war then they'd be much higher than your expectations. During this war America was split into two, the Union (North) and the Confederacy (South) which both had much different views on slavery, the North wanted to abolish it entirely but the South had much different plans, their entire economy depended on slavery and if destroyed their core, you destroy their establishment. The North and the South both fought harsh battles, but the battle that lasted three three hot days would have to be …show more content…

According to the textbook “The Americans, Reconstruction to the 21st Century ” on page 177 we get that “The three-day battle produced staggering losses: 23,000 Union men and 28,000 Confederates were killed and wounded Total casualties were more than 30 percent”. It was also the military strategy that led to such high numbers, on page 29 we also get that“On July 3, Lee ordered an artillery barrage on the center of the union lines on Cemetery Ridge...Believing they had silenced the Union guns, the Confederates then charged the lines. Confederate forced marched across the farmland between their position and the Union high ground. Suddenly, Northern artillery renewed its barrage, and the infantry fired on the rebels as well… After the battle, Lee gave up and hopes of invading the north and led his army back to Virginia”. This was Lee’s most ambitious attempt to invade Union territory but it all failed because due to this

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