Cirriculum Development at Thomas S. Stone Elementary School

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Thomas S. Stone Elementary located in Prince George’s County School District, is experiencing the implementation of a new initiative mandated by the state of Maryland called America’s Choice. The goal of America’s Choice new curriculum is crafted to make the teachers and students more accountable in raising student’s test scores in order to make AYP (Annual Yearly Progress). More than half of our students are illiterate and many don’t speak English. This research paper will explore the philosophical and psychological foundations, socioeconomic factors, curriculum design approach, curriculum development approach, aims, goals and objectives of curriculum development, the strategies used for implementation and the evaluation criteria and issues.


The Merriam dictionary defines initiative as: “The power or ability to begin or to follow through energetically with a plan or task.” In addition, initiative can be looked as a leading step and action or change in a school’s curriculum development and implementation. Thomas S. Stone is in the middle of a diverse community and the students are a reflection of that diversity. Our school population consist of 50% Hispanic, 45% African American, 3% Caucasian, and 2% Asian or other. Our school has been a failing school for the past 6 years according to the MSA (Maryland State Assessment) that is directly aligned to the standards of the NCLB (No Child Left Behind) Act. Two years ago district officials stepped in and replaced the principal and the curriculum framework in efforts to meet the testing requirements outlined by the federal government.

Socioeconomic Factors

Thomas S. Stone social factors reflect the educational deficit occurring in our nation now. “Excuses a...

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... have failed because of interpersonal insensitivity, ethnic or racial bias, or political naiveté.” 300 Many of our children failed the 2009 reading MSA because many of the questions asked dealt with farm animals or situations that these children haven’t had the experience to connect to. Our under privilege children are not considered when these evaluation tools are crafted. Manu issues result from the lack preparation and research to our diverse student’s personal background.


I believe that our school initiative can work if all of the components of the action plan are executed properly. Effective communication is the ingredient missing out of our recipe to increase our test scores. Based on our approaches and strategies the students will be able to acquire the skills needed to conquer any hurdle, as an educator I must believe in their progression.

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