Cinderella Essay

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From the time of birth we were constantly told how to do and how think. Parent have major role in restricting a child’s unnecessary desires. Other than that, Disney movies play important in these young children’s life because when it’s comes to films that are all they watch. Cinderella is one of the most common Disney tales that’s been around from ninth century, in different languages and countries. The tale is a about a pretty young girl Cinderella who lives with her step mother and step sisters. They make Cinderella’s life miserable by making her do all the housework but Cinderella never complained. She did everything happily believing that one day her someone (a man) will come and rescue her. Indeed it whatever is dreamt of came to be true. A prince came along and married her but this was only possible through fairy godmother who gave Cinderella the magical appearance (nice dress and shoes and etc ). There are several movies with the same theme in which the guy rescues the girl and they “live happily ever after”. Female sex is usually affected by something called the Cinderella Complex from very young age and sometimes seen growing over time. The term “Cinderella Complex” means that people who are affected by Cinderella fairy tales have an unconscious desire to be taken care by other people, and lack of dependence. They wait somebody to rescue them. This complex which is a psychological problem always occurs in women, and it will become more apparent as women grow older. Although for women good appearance is the first approach that attract men, it’s also important to have feminism virtues to make a guy marry them.
From ancient times, women’s relative lack of power and their low status in the society may lead t...

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... who grow up reading these fairy tales become women who would spend their time passively waiting for their prince, who will take them away from predicament. At the same time, they groom themselves to reach their prince’s expectations. It is unquestionable that the prince prefers selecting a princess with beauty and virtue. Attractive appearance of a girl always plays a quite important role in a prince’s selecting a wife. With no exception, the prince looks for feminine virtues in his wife. Women, as a result, place much emphasis on beauty as an essential factor in pleasing a man. Cinderella Complex intensifies the interactions between men and women’s expectations in society. Attained from implications of vast Cinderella variations, Cinderella Complex condemns women who cannot depend on themselves to give full play to their potential when no man exists in their life.

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